content on africa@osgeo list

Paul Scott pscott at
Wed Apr 5 07:15:43 EDT 2006

On Wed, 2006-04-05 at 13:08 +0200, Jody Garnett wrote:
> Is this limited to data sharing? I was hoping to scare up use developer 
> chatter as well...

Me too!

I really enjoy the development side of things, and have a number of
projects that are used throughout the community. I have also set up a
site that will become increasingly useful in the future to foster more
development and FOSS GIS collaboration at

I am an ardent supporter (and user) of the refractions Research
products, most notably PostGIS, of which one of my main projects is the
PostGIS PHP classes that are in quite wide use throughout the PostGIS

Lets do get some dev chatter...It will also allow the non-devs to get
into what is going on in the communities so that more informed choices
and decisions can be made in their business/enterprise roles as well.


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