[OSGeo Africa] Kathu coordinate system

Grant Slater openstreetmap at firefishy.com
Thu Jan 30 04:11:09 PST 2014


Likely Transverse Mercator in meters with origin of -27.70, 23.05
(town of Kathu, Northern Cape)

Something like: "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=-27.70 +lon_0=23.05 +units=m"

/ Grant

On 30 January 2014 11:56, Hanlie Pretorius <hanlie.pretorius at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I a hand-drawn survey diagram that I need to reproduce in QGIS. The
> area is in the Northen Cape, close to the 23° E longitude.
> The diagram was done in 1968 and its coordinate system is specified as
> 'Kathu System'. The y coordinates are given first, are all positive
> and they range from about 23 000 to 49 000. The x coordinates are
> given second and they range from +31 000 to -153 000.
> Can anyone tell me what the specifications for this coordinate system
> would be? I.e. the information I would need to create a WKT or proj4
> specification for the CRS.
> Thanks
> Hanlie
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