[OSGeo Africa] Gas pipeline data

Gerhardus Geldenhuis gerhardus.geldenhuis at gmail.com
Wed Jan 14 01:53:19 PST 2015

Hi Hanlie,
I don't know about commercial sources but there is some gas and oil
pipeline data available in OpenStreetMap. The accuracy should be fairly
decent. I have personally mapped a few of these pipelines based on
environmental impact study documents and NGI imagery. Its not complete but
could be a start depending on your requirement. If you have a look at
you should see what is available. I can help with extracting the data into
kml, shp or any other required format should you wish.

If you do find free data then please let me know as we would like to
incorporate this into OpenStreetMap.


On 14 January 2015 at 09:17, Hanlie Pretorius <hanlie.pretorius at gmail.com>

> Hi
> Does anyone know if the gas pipelines in SA are available in spatial
> format?
> I have already Googled and found this map on the web
> http://www.theodora.com/pipelines/south_africa_mozambique_and_zimbabwe_oil_gas_and_products_pipelines_map.html
> but I don't know what the data sources are.
> I guess PASA, PetroSA and Transnet are options, but I know for a fact
> that the first two charge for their data.
> If anyone has a contact at Transnet, will you please let me have their
> contact details?
> Thanks
> Hanlie
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Gerhardus Geldenhuis
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