[OSGeo Africa] Telecommunications (national): Cell Phone, Broad Band, Fibre, 4G, 5G coverage

Nkahloleng Mokwele [ MTN South Africa ] Nkahloleng.Mokwele at mtn.com
Mon Aug 5 02:02:25 PDT 2019

Y’ello Willem,

Telco’s and infrastructure providers generally keep info of physical assets confidential- usually due to competitive reasons and of late because of increased incidents of theft (battery packs, diesel, power generators, copper and fibre cables) and general vandalism.

Send me a direct mail so I can better understand your requirements and we can see if a solution can’t be worked out.


[cid:image001.jpg at 01D54B7C.C7CDF850]<https://www.mtn.co.za/>
Warm regards,
Nkahloleng Mokwele
Senior Specialist: Geographic Information Systems
C: +27 83 212 7418
Nkahloleng.Mokwele at mtn.com | mtn.co.za<https://www.mtn.co.za/>

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From: Africa <africa-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> On Behalf Of Willem Badenhorst
Sent: Monday, 29 July 2019 9:13 AM
To: Africa local chapter discussions <africa at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: [OSGeo Africa] Telecommunications (national): Cell Phone, Broad Band, Fibre, 4G, 5G coverage

Dear colleagues

Does anybody know where I can get hold of the above data?  The cell phone and fibre companies does have coverage maps on their websites, but it does not transfer well into GIS unless there is a WMS.

Any advice would be welcome.

Kind regards,


Willem Badenhorst (Manager)

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On Fri, Jul 26, 2019 at 9:33 AM admire <addloe at gmail.com<mailto:addloe at gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi All

Thanks for the links. I will look at the data sources and revert back.


On 2019/07/26 07:38, Leon Vosloo wrote:

Remember DWAF is the water custodian is SA, also try;



From: Africa [mailto:africa-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of stevenj.rsa
Sent: 25 July 2019 07:08 PM
To: Africa local chapter discussions <africa at lists.osgeo.org><mailto:africa at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [OSGeo Africa] South african rivers dataset

Please contact me tomorrow on steven.jansen at dldlr.gov.za<mailto:steven.jansen at dldlr.gov.za>.  021 658 4408 - I might be able to help a little.

The NGI Geographical names dataset will have a far better name component than the embedded attribute in the river vector set.

I am just not too sure if you are asking if a dataset exists that has a translated name into English or Afrikaans even if the approved name is in another language? ...


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

-------- Original message --------
From: admire <addloe at gmail.com<mailto:addloe at gmail.com>>
Date: 2019/07/25 17:18 (GMT+02:00)
To: Africa local chapter discussions <africa at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:africa at lists.osgeo.org>>
Subject: [OSGeo Africa] South african rivers dataset

Hi All

I am looking for any free public dataset that has got river names in
either  English or Afrikaans.

The NGI 1in50k rivers have features labeled in all languages  i.e


Does such a dataset exists ?.


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