[OSGeo Africa] Population data

Mnqweno Mnyengeza MnqwenoM at statssa.gov.za
Thu Mar 10 13:05:03 PST 2022

Good evening Mfundi;

I hope my reply is still in time but kindly forward your request to
info at statssa.gov.za 

Kindest regards
Mnqweno Mnyengeza

Deputy Director-Geography (DDC)
Prof GISc Practitioner: GPr GISc 1400
Geomatics Technician: GTc ES 1111 

T +27 (12) 310 8693| M +27 (82) 904 8267 
mnqwenom at statssa.gov.za 

>>> Mathunjwa Mfundi <mfundi.mathunjwa at gmail.com> 03/10/22 12:16 AM >>>
Dear All, 
I write to request assistance in obtaining the latest population data
(in a shapefile) for the Mpumalanga region. 

Your assistance will be greatly appreciated. 



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