<p>GIS Course: An Introduction to GIS using Quantum GIS</p>
<p>GIS Solutions will be presenting their popular Introduction to GIS course from 28-30 November 2011 in Durban. This is an introductory course aimed at new GIS users, people wanting to do a refresher course, or anyone who is interested in learning about Open Source GIS software. The course will be presented using Quantum GIS 1.7.</p>
<p>The cost of the three day course is R3300 excl VAT, which includes lunches and teas, the course manual, and a USB memory stick with preloaded course data and numerous open source GIS programs.</p>
<p>Full details of the course, including course content, can be viewed on our website at http://gis-solutions.co.za/courses.php</p>
<p>Discover the power of Quantum GIS! Places are limited so register now to avoid disappointment.</p>
<p>Frank Sokolic<br>GIS Solutions</p>