[OSGeo-Announce] Travel grants for students attending SIGSPATIAL 2016

Jorge Sanz jsanz at osgeo.org
Wed Sep 14 14:51:12 PDT 2016

Student Travel Awards

NSF Travel Grants for US-based Graduate and Undergraduate Students

As part of NSF's commitment to maintain United States' research
competitiveness in important areas of Science and Technology, the
organizers of ACM SIGSPATIAL 2016 are pleased to announce the 2016 NSF
Student Travel Grants to encourage more computer science students both
at the graduate and undergraduate levels to attend and participate in
the ACM SIGSPATIAL 2016 Conference. Each travel award will cover up to
$1,000 USD towards conference-travel related costs. We especially
encourage minority and female computer science PhD students to apply.
In addition, special consideration will be given to undergraduate
students actively participating in research.

SIGSPATIAL Travel Grants for International Students

The conference organizers are also making SIGSPATIAL funds available
to help support the travel expenses of international students. The
SIGSPATIAL Travel Grants for International Students will pay $500 USD
towards conference related travel costs. Due to limited funds for this
program, we will only consider undergraduates and female students for
these awards.


Selection Criteria

The applicant must be a student enrolled at a US University for the
NSF Travel Grants or an International University for the SIGSPATIAL
Travel Grants and pursuing a PhD degree or be a research-active M.S.
or undergraduate student in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or
technical field related to conference topics.
Priority will be given to students authors with accepted papers at ACM
The recipients must register and attend the full conference.
The funding will be used for student travel-related support only.


Shawn Newsam, University of California, Merced (Chair)
Mohamed Ali, University of Washington, Tacoma
Yan Huang, University of North Texas

Application Process

The application involves two steps.

First, complete the information in the online Google form:


Second, send an email to sigspatial2016grants at gmail.com with a single
PDF document containing:

your CV or resume (containing your full name and e-mail address,
current address and contact phone number, and current GPA in your
a 1-paragraph statement (no more than 250 words) on how you will be
participating in the conference and why attending it is important to
your research, work, and/or future career.
a budget outlining your estimated expenses to attend the conference.
The budget can include (1) student early registration for the
conference of $250, (2) lowest cost roundtrip airfare (for NSF grants
it must be on a US carrier), (3) a (shared) room at the conference
site for Sunday through Wednesday nights (up to $400). We cannot cover
any meal expenses (the conference will provide breakfast and several
dinners). You must provide receipts for all expenses. We will help
students find roommates to share rooms. You can be reimbursed for
driving instead of flying at a rate of 54 cents per mile if the cost
is less than flying (you must provide documentation for
reimbursement). Please indicate what other sources of funding, if any,
you have to attend the conference.
a letter of nomination from the sponsoring faculty member that
specifies how much, if anything, your advisor can provide in terms of
travel support.

Service Requirement

Please note that we ask all grant recipients to volunteer for four
hours at the registration desk sometime during the week. You get to
pick your time slots, so you will not be forced to miss anything you
want to attend.


Application Submission:Friday, September 23rd, 2016
Decisions/Notifications:Thursday, September 29th, 2016
Acceptance by the recipient:Thursday, October 6th, 2016
(conference registration must be completed)


The winners will be notified by email and their names will be
published on the conference webpage.

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Ahmed M. Aly

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