[AtlanticCanada] Upcoming OSGeo Atlantic Meeting

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Mon Dec 6 11:38:45 EST 2010

Hi Tim!

I think it would be great to have a workshop as part of the next meeting 
- maybe hold the workshop at UNB in Moncton?  Somewhere where there's 
some undergrad or graduate students with an interest in 
geomatics...offering us use of their computer lab...and hopefully we'll 
get some community members out also.  I can offer to give a MapServer 
workshop...but I don't have any UNB connections.

I'm thinking that it could be in February...only because not too many 
people will want to travel in January.

Those are my thoughts.

What about other's opinions?


On 10-12-03 6:06 PM, Timothy Astle wrote:
> Hey all,
> I think it's about high-time to start discussing the what, when and
> where of the next OSGeo Atlantic meeting. As one of the acting
> co-chairs, I'd like to open up a discussion on this.
> The initial thoughts after our first meeting would be that it would
> happen in either January or February of 2011. We don't have a solid
> location determined, but we'll probably favour a location that works for
> the majority of people.
> Any thoughts or comments are welcome.

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