[AtlanticCanada] Introduction

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue Feb 1 09:50:29 EST 2011

Hi Jarrett,

Well welcome to the group :)  I think your timing is perfect, and giving 
you the ability to network on this mailing list, with other Open Source 
Geospatial types, or through face to face low-key meetings is exactly 
what the purpose of our OSGeo local chapter is.

I am happy to hear that you have discovered GRASS.  I hope also that you 
discovered QGIS, as a user-friendly front-end to GRASS.

Looking forward to meeting you soon.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 11-01-31 6:51 PM, Jarrett Totton wrote:
> Hi All,
> I just figured I would introduce myself. My name is Jarrett Totton and
> I am a student at NBCC Moncton taking the GIS Diploma program. I am
> quite familiar with ESRI software, but when I came across GRASS it
> piqued my interest being a powerful GIS analysis engine without the
> powerful price-tag. I am not a programmer, my background is in
> forestry, but I want to master the use of GRASS (I am still in the
> learning phases, I know how to run it but am just learning where
> everything is) and learn how to develop my own modules in
> python(someday). I am quite interested in how people in the industry
> are using GRASS and other open source geospatial software and for what
> they are using it for. Also as a student I am interested in making
> myself as employable as possible for when I graduate and feel that
> GRASS and other free software will help with this.
> But enough about me. I also read in some of your previous emails that
> you as a group were seeking more involvement from schools and the
> like. I am sue if someone was interested they would be more than
> welcome to come to my school and introduce the organisation, and I
> could help arrange this.
> I would be very interested in sitting in on a meeting of the Atlantic
> Chapter of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation and would also like
> learning more about OSM and how I can contribute and how the data from
> OSM can be used in other projects and in what formats it can be used
> in.
> To end my short introduction of myself I would like to make a call for
> ideas for a project I have to do for school. I would be interested in
> solving a real world problem that has readily available data and would
> show the capabilities of GRASS.

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