[AtlanticCanada] Opensource toolbox for ArcGIS?

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue Jan 10 16:08:52 EST 2012

On 12-01-10 9:31 AM, Connors, Bernie (SNB) wrote:
> I recall reading recently about a Toolbox for ArcGIS that implemented
> some Opensource tools (OGR? GDAL? FWTools?).  Does anybody know what
> this is called.  I have tried googling but have not found it yet.

It seems you cross-posted this to many lists, and I believe this was 
answered on one of them.  However I'd also like to add that there is a 
wonderful extension available for ArcGIS to publish directly to 
GeoServer or MapServer, made by my friends in the Netherlands: 


Happy new year all.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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