[Aust-NZ] Fwd: OSGeo Annual General Meeting - Local Chapters please join

Daniel Silk dsilk at linz.govt.nz
Tue Aug 7 02:14:35 PDT 2018

> On 7 Aug 2018, at 19:56, Bruce Bannerman <bruce.bannerman.osgeo at gmail.com> wrote:
> I don’t see the need to establish another local chapter for AustNZ.
> We already have one. Let’s just start using it.

I don't think anyone is suggesting establishing a competing local chapter.. simply revisiting what "using it" actually means.

There is a lot of energy and enthusiasm behind the FOSS4G SotM Oceania event in Melbourne. If we just pull together a conference committee every year to continue to organise this event, and that's it, then I think that's great.

However the conference does provide an opportunity to discuss the way forward and just how structured or unstructured we should be about it. I'm sure there are plenty of great ideas out there on how we can continue the momentum throughout our region.



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