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<body class='hmmessage'><div dir='ltr'>FYI:<br> <br><br>Dear Colleagues, <br> <br>It is my pleasure to announce the establishment of first Open Source<br>Geospatial Research and Education (OSGeoREL) Laboratory in the United States<br>at the Center for Earth Observation, North Carolina State University,<br>Raleigh. The laboratory is one of the founding members of a worldwide<br>network developed under the auspices of the ICA-OSGeo Memorandum of<br>Understanding (MoU). <br> <br>In 2011, the International Cartographic Association (ICA) signed a<br>Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Open Source Geospatial Foundation<br>(OSGeo) with a view to develop global collaboration opportunities for<br>academia, industry and government organisations in the field of open source<br>GIS software and data. The MoU aims to provide expertise and support for the<br>establishment of Open Source Geospatial Laboratories and Research Centres<br>across the world to support the development of open source geospatial<br>software technologies, training and expertise. <br> <br>OSGeoREL at NCSU is led by Dr. Helena Mitasova and Dr. Laura Tateosian. The<br>laboratory has an established program in graduate education in geospatial<br>information science and technology using FOSS4G and extensive research in<br>geospatial analysis, modelling and visualization with focus on natural<br>resources. <br> <br>Dr. Helena Mitasova is an Associate Professor at the Department of Marine,<br>Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, OSGeo charter member since 2006, member of<br>the OSGeo education and conference committees and Sol Katz award recipient<br><a target="_blank"><font color="#0068cf">http://www.osgeo.org/solkatz</font></a> She has been actively involved in the GRASS<br>GIS development since 1991 and together with Markus Neteler she has<br>co-authored the first book about GRASS GIS. <br> <br>Dr. Laura Tateosian is Research Assistant Professor at the Center for Earth<br>Observation Her research interest focus is on visualization, human visual<br>perception, computer graphics, geospatial sciences, non-photorealistic<br>rendering, and human-computer interaction. <br> <br> <br>More details of the lab at <a target="_blank"><font color="#0068cf">http://gis.ncsu.edu/osgeorel/</font></a> <br> <br> <br>For those of you attending the Open Source Geospatial Research and Education<br>Symposium (OGRS 2012) <a target="_blank"><font color="#0068cf">http://www.ogrs2012.org/</font></a> later this month it will be<br>good opportunity to also hear Helena's Keynote presentation on "Building<br>open source geospatial education at research universities" to get more ideas<br>on future research activities. <br> <br>Our aim is to establish 20 new research labs in the next 3 years. These new<br>research labs are strategic to help us accelerate research developments in<br>this research area for the future. If your university wishes to establish<br>Open Source Geospatial Lab, please contact me and i will be pleased to<br>discuss details. <br> <br>We look forward for your active participation for building up Open Source,<br>Open Standards, Open Data research globally and helping share the benefits<br>of geospatial technologies to all. <br> <br>Best wishes, <br> <br>Suchith <br> <br>Dr Suchith Anand<br>Nottingham Geospatial Institute<br>Nottingham Geospatial Building<br>University of Nottingham NG7 2 TU<br>Tel: (0)115 82 32750<br><a target="_blank"><font color="#0068cf">http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/~lgzwww/contacts/staffPages/SuchithAnand/Suchith</font></a><br>%20Anand.htm <br><a target="_blank"><font color="#0068cf">http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/ngi/research/geospatial-science/geospatial-scien</font></a><br>ce.aspx <br><a target="_blank"><font color="#0068cf">http://elogeo.nottingham.ac.uk/</font></a><br><a target="_blank"><font color="#0068cf">http://ica-opensource.scg.ulaval.ca/</font></a><br><a target="_blank"><font color="#0068cf">http://opensourcegeospatial.icaci.org/</font></a> <br> <br>Leading Open Geospatial Science through ICA Commission on Open Source<br>Geospatial Technologies <br> <br>Mission - Building up Open Source, Open Standards, Open Data research for<br>bridging the digital divide <br><br><br><br><br> <BR> </div></body>