[Geoinquiets Barcelona] Crowdsourcing i ESRI

Ruiz Almar, Ernest ERuiz at amb.cat
Fri Jul 30 01:34:16 EDT 2010

Bon dia a tothom,

Dangermond says:

Mobile and location-based technologies are also fundamentally changing the way we create geographic knowledge: we're seeing the widespread embracing of crowdsourcing, where the scale of data creators is greater by orders of magnitude. Crowdsourced data is data contributed by non-authoritative sources, e.g., everyday citizens. For example, there are people-volunteers-updating global base maps right now. The challenge for GIS practitioners is to insure the usability of this data in a GIS workflow, or to turn this crowdsourced data in to useful geographic knowledge that can easily be consumed by broader segments of society.  This can mean checking the "authoritativeness" of the data; it can also mean getting involved in the actual act of data collection, structuring the process to insure that the data has meaning and is appropriate and authoritative.

GIS practitioners have long been the keepers of purely authoritative data, and are now beginning to take crowdsourced data very seriously. It gives ordinary citizens the opportunity to provide feedback directly to the government. It can significantly augment authoritative data sets at a fraction of the traditional cost. It provides extraordinary opportunities for citizen science. And it can put a virtual "army" of volunteers on a large project in short order.
Es pot llegir tot a:

Jack Dangermond Answers Users' Questions<http://autobahn.esri.com/esri/etrack.aspx?DSN=b9ca57b2fbe8cb42458807853387983f6a0f6be5ccdab113&FORMID=d5b8198b47b1f8d1e754e332b8c21442&INTID=421a7c3a401daee1368193e7450cd8fc&AUDID=1643ca0406fd84c79ae6ca23746b3bfc&DECODE=1&URL=http://events.esri.com/uc/QandA/index.cfm?ConferenceID=F1D1C99C-1422-2418-88C43A6E244C1332>

Dear Esri User:

I'm pleased to share with you a series of questions and answers<http://autobahn.esri.com/esri/etrack.aspx?DSN=b9ca57b2fbe8cb42458807853387983f6a0f6be5ccdab113&FORMID=d5b8198b47b1f8d1e754e332b8c21442&INTID=421a7c3a401daee1368193e7450cd8fc&AUDID=1643ca0406fd84c79ae6ca23746b3bfc&DECODE=1&URL=http://events.esri.com/uc/QandA/index.cfm?ConferenceID=F1D1C99C-1422-2418-88C43A6E244C1332> from Esri on a variety of topics. These were originally written in preparation for the 2010 Esri International User Conference and include the status of our efforts in software development, products, education, and support; future plans in these areas; and thoughts on GIS and the industry as a whole. Our purpose for sharing this information is to help you be successful in your use of GIS. I hope you gain value from this information. Please feel free to share it with your colleagues.

Warm regards,

Jack Dangermond

Hi ha coses interessants a la part de GIS. Desprès parla d'això http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis/extensions/arcgis-data-reviewer/index.html com una possible eina per controlar les entrades dels voluntaris.

Ernest Ruiz

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