[Geoinquiets Barcelona] Geomatrix '12

Alexandre Nobajas nobita64 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 27 05:41:05 EDT 2011

Per si li interessa a algú. El millor és el nom.

Geomatrix '12
26 to 29 February 2012
Mumbai, India

Geomatrix�12 is the third in a series of conferences on geoinformatics tools, 
techniques and applications being organized by the Centre of Studies in 
Resources Engineering (CSRE), IITB since 2009. The first two conferences were 
national level conferences; Geomatrix�12 is envisaged to be an international 
event with strong participation from national and international researchers 
and institutes of repute at both organization and delegate level.

We are expecting participation of delegates from various academic institutes, 
research organizations and industries to share their research findings and 
professional experiences with fellow researchers, professionals and students 
from India and abroad. We are looking forward to your enthusiastic 
participation in Geomatrix�12.

The focus of the conference would be on:

(a) tools and techniques of GIS, remote Sensing, satellite image processing 
and GPS, and

(b) applications of GIS and remote sensing to exploration, assessment and 
management of natural resources (including minerals, water resources, forests, 
snow and glaciers, etc.), agriculture, natural hazard assessment and disaster 
management, environmental impact assessment including climate change studies, 
atmospheric studies, terrain studies, land-use planning, and related fields of 
earth sciences.

The specific themes include:

Advances in Tools and techniques of GIS
Recent advances in microwave remote sensing
State-of-the-art in satellite image processing
Global positioning systems and wireless sensor networks
Geospatial technology in mineral system studies and mineral exploration
Agroinformatics � tools and applications
Geoinformatics for coastal, marine, and urban environments
Geospatial technology for prediction and management of natural hazards and 
Monitoring and managing our glaciers and water resources using remote sensing
Education and educational technology in geoinformatics

The deadline for abstracts/proposals is
15 October 2011

Enquiries: geomatrixacsre.iitb.ac.in
Web address: http://www.csre.iitb.ac.in/geomatrix12
Sponsored by: IIT Bombay
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