[Geoinquiets Barcelona] CREAF-GeoViQua is seeking 3 job candidates

Jenny Munoz jenny.munoz at seap.minhap.es
Fri Sep 14 00:43:57 PDT 2012

Hola a todos, me ha llegado esta información, son tres ofertas del CREAF:

Dear all,

CREAF is seeking*3 job candidates* to work within the GeoViQua project 
on the "Geospatial data in Internet" issue:

          o *Predoctoral*position:
          o *Postdoctoral*position:
          o *Computer science developer*position:

Deadline for all the 3 offers is*28^th September 2012*.

Candidates should send their submission by email to Dr. Joan Masó, 
CREAF:***_joan.maso a uab.cat_* <mailto:joan.maso a uab.cat>

Thank you for disseminating the announcment among all your contacts.

Best regards,

Anna Riverola

Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals



Jenny Muñoz N.

Servicio Regional del Instituto Geográfico Nacional en Catalunya
Carrer de Bergara, 12 Planta 4
08002 Barcelona

Tel.: 93 520 96 23
Fax.: 93 520 96 28
e-mail: jenny.munoz a seap.minhap.es

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