[Geoinquiets Barcelona] Geoserver print leyenda multicolum

Wladimir Szczerban bolosig at gmail.com
Mon Sep 30 01:11:44 PDT 2013

Hola a todos,

Estoy probando el módulo de imprimir del geoserver y quiero que la leyenda
tenga multiples columnas ya que tengo muchos elementos en la leyenda

En mi config.yaml tengo esto pero me sale todo en una sola columna.

            - !legends
              maxIconWidth: 0
              maxIconHeight: 0
              maxHeight: 5
              maxWidth: 300
              maxColumns: 3
              columnMargin: 3
              columnMaxWidth: 50
              fontEncoding: Cp1252
              align: left
              inline: false
              defaultScale: 0
              #Padding between layers
              layerSpace: 5
              layerFont: Helvetica
              layerFontSize: 10
              #Padding between text and icon within layer
              classIndentation: 20
              classSpace: 2
              classFont: Helvetica
              classFontSize: 8

Según dice esto me debería mostrar la leyenda en multiples columnas.

**maxIconWidth**, **maxIconHeight**, **defaultScale** with value of 0
indicates that the value will be ignore.

**maxHeight** with value of 0 indicates that the multi column is disable.

if **inline** is true the multi column is disable.

if **maxWidth** is set that mean that in the multi column mode the
column next to the maxWidth will not be add.

if **defaultScale** is non null it means that the legend image will be
scaled so it doesn't take the full space.

Set **inline** to false mean that only tne image will be display per line.

**layerSpace** and **classSpace** is to specify the line space to add
before layers and classes.


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