[Geoinquiets Barcelona] Gana 1000 dolares con un mapa del futuro

Nit Lo anitalocher a gmail.com
dic set 17 09:25:09 PDT 2014

*From: *Eric Anderson <cagisxd a gmail.com>
*Subject: **an expedition to the future*
*Date: *September 17, 2014 14:53:16 CEST
*To: *"K. Eric Anderson" <cagisxd a gmail.com>

Perfect opportunity for students of all ages to strut their stuff!  Please
spread the good word!


September 8, 2014 (3:30 pm)
$1,000 by mapping the future in support of Geography 2050
[image: image]

The MapStory Foundation is proud to sponsor the Fall Symposium of the
American Geographical Society - *Geography 2050:  Mounting an Expedition to
the Future*.  They are calling it a “multi-year strategic dialog on the
vital trends that will reshape our nation and our planet.”  And, this
inaugural event will be hosted by Columbia University’s Earth Institute, in
the historic Low Library Rotunda, on November 19th in NYC.  You can learn
more about this forward looking dialog at *www.geography2050.org
<http://www.geography2050.org/>*, and you can even register and be part of

Most of the content within MapStory.org <http://mapstory.org/> addresses
the past and the present.  But, in celebration of this unique event, we at
MapStory are offering a *$1000 prize for whomever posts the best future
oriented MapStory about how our world will change by 2050.*  The use of
scientifically validated data on future trends is encouraged.  Yet, the
narrative elements of the story will be just as important.

While the financial incentive of the prize is notable, the winning MapStory
will also be played at the Geography 2050 Fall Symposium for the thought
leaders in attendance.  The content and themes of your MapStory submission
do not need to adhere to those of this inaugural event, and instead can
cover any trends and underlying factors that you deem to be important to
the future of our planet.

To participate, just publish your MapStory and tweet it to @Geography2050
with the hasthag #MapStory2050. Deadline for submission is November 15th.
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