[Geoinquiets Barcelona] Call for Presentations and Workshops. 2nd Int. QGIS Conference, May 2016

Jornadas de SIG Libre lluis a sigte.udg.es
dic gen 20 02:28:27 PST 2016

The Call for Papers and Workshops for the 2nd International QGIS User 
and Developer Conference, is already open!

The Local Organizing Committee of the 2nd International QGIS User and 
Developer Conference, is pleased to announce the call for Presentations 
and Workshops for the 2016 Conference to be held in Girona (May 25th - 
26th). If you have an open source geospatial story to tell, based on 
QGIS, we want to hear it!

*Call for Presentations*
Deadline: February 15th

The QGIS Conference presentations are 20 minutes long, with time for Q&A 
at the end of each talk. Presentations may cover any aspect related with 
the use or development of QGIS software. Anyone can can submit a 
presentation proposal and take part in the conference as a presenter. 
The received proposals will be reviewed by the program committee.

See full details at 

*Call for Workshops*
Deadline: February 15th

There are two kinds of workshops depending on the duration: 2 hours or 4 
hours. If you want to actively participate in the 2nd Int. QGIS 
Conference and impart a workshop, don't hesitate to send your workshop 
proposal to talleres a sigte.org

The proposal should be a brief abstract pointing out the expected 
duration of the workshop (2 hours, 4 hours) as well as a few lines 
describing the content of the workshop, pre-requisites for the 
attendants (if needed), name of the instructor...

The instructors of the selected workshops will receive a free pass for 
the conference.

See full details at 

For further details, please send an email at inforjornadas a sigte.org

Local Organizing Committee
2nd International QGIS User and Developer Conference

Website: http://www.sigte.udg.edu/jornadassiglibre/en/
Follow us : https://twitter.com/SIGLibreGirona

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