[Geoinquiets Barcelona] Fwd: GISCorps Hurricane Harvey response

Estela Llorente López estela.llorente a gmail.com
dic ago 30 02:43:06 PDT 2017

Bon dia,
Per si esteu/podeu col.laborar com a voluntaris en remot.


*Estela Llorente López tf:656231842 <656%2023%2018%2042>*

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: GISCorps <recruit at giscorps.org>
Date: 2017-08-30 1:41 GMT+02:00
Subject: GISCorps Hurricane Harvey response
To: estela.llorente at gmail.com

Hello Volunteers,
GISCorps is preparing for a multi-faceted response to the Hurricane Harvey
disaster in Texas. If you are interested and available, please fill out
this short pre-screening survey, so we can better direct our recruiting.
This survey does not guarantee placement as project needs are still


Thank you,
GISCorps Recruiting Team
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