[Belgium] suggestion for upcoming activity

Christophe Cloquet christophe at my-poppy.eu
Mon Nov 9 09:58:02 PST 2015

Hi everyone,

Thanks again for the organization of FOSS4G !

As a suggestion for an upcoming activity, I would like to propose a mapping challenge around the facilities for homeless and socially disabled people. There are already some data here and there (like open data about the water facilities), there is a yearly print map made by 'La Strada' (it seems they might need some help for their online service : http://plan.brureg-lastrada.be/service/list/), but by putting together GIS specialists, citizens, charities (Red-Cross, Infirmiers de rue, Médecins du Monde, ...) and beneficiaries, I am convinced something great could happen !

For instance, we could inventoriate social restaurants, social hair-cutters, places where homeless people can drink some 'cafés-suspendus', etc.

This could in turn form the basis for an app/website sur as this one : https://www.facebook.com/EntourageReseauCivique/, that could benefit to homeless people.

I am quite busy at the moment to organize this event by myself, but if it can be organized, I can relay it through my networks, and come to help for the mapping party !

What would you think ?

Kind regards,




*Christophe Cloquet*
rue Van Bortonne 7 | 1090 Jette
+32 485 087 949

christophe at my-poppy.eu
be.linkedin.com/in/ccloquet <http://be.linkedin.com/in/ccloquet>
Poppy <http://www.my-poppy.eu>

hello at my-poppy.eu

Poppy is a brand of Living Apps sprl | rue Van Bortonne 7 | 1090 Jette | BE 0564.821.397

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