[Belgium] Presentation & Photos

Maelle Vercauteren mavercau at ulb.ac.be
Sun Nov 15 23:03:18 PST 2015

 Thanks Gaël and seems great :-)

After Johan pushes it on line, it could be nice to send to all participants
the link to the presentations, photos, short video of the event and ask
them to fill up the evaluation form.

Gaël, it'still possible to do it via Evenbrite ?

2015-11-16 0:04 GMT+01:00 KRUWIALIS Gael <gkruwialis at environnement.brussels>

> I put the presentation on github and I create a page with photos and the
> video.
> Johan can you push it online .
> Thx
> Gael

Coordinatrice du stage SIG Libres ARES

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