[Belgium] evaluation form and closing

KRUWIALIS Gael gkruwialis at environnement.brussels
Fri Oct 30 07:26:09 PDT 2015

Hey men!
I’ give a big thx to all !
Each has found its place and we made great job !

With a team like this, … +1




Gael KRUWIALIS<mailto:gkruwialis at environnement.irisnet.be>
Bruxelles Environnement - IBGE / Leefmilieu Brussel - BIM
Div. Logistique
Dpt. ICT
Avenue du Port 86C, 1000 Bruxelles
Tél: +32 2 7757661
E-mail: gkruwialis at environnement.irisnet.be<mailto:gkruwialis at environnement.irisnet.be> | www.bruxellesenvironnement.be<http://www.bruxellesenvironnement.be/>


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