[Belgium] Maptember.brussels

joost schouppe joost.schouppe at gmail.com
Fri Aug 12 07:32:34 PDT 2016

This is really great!

Ben Abelshausen already set up a registration page for the hackaton, so I
would recommend linking there. The real url is here,
but I set up sotm-hackday-osgeo.eventbrite.com because all the other URLs
are so pretty.
You can pas me suggestions for the eventbrite page and url.

I don't know if you have space left for that, but participants in all three
events are invited to the HOT mapathon at MSF the evening of the HOT
summit. URL: https://hotmapathon.eventbrite.com

I'll try to help with the translation ASAP, but here's a workspace in case
anyone else already wants to start:

2016-08-12 16:18 GMT+02:00 Marc Ducobu <marc.ducobu at champs-libres.coop>:

> Hash: SHA256
> Hello,
> I created maptember.brussels. What do you think about it ? I only
> write the french text. Are you ok with it ? If it is the case, can
> someone translate it to nl & en ? Thanks a lot.
> Marc
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> =VZ3g
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Joost @
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