[Belgium] Fwd: Fwd: Mapathon

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Wed Jan 20 23:45:40 PST 2016

On 21/01/16 08:25, Dirk Frigne wrote:
> Thank you for your mail Moritz,
> Scanning trough your mail, I think a first step should be to find out
> how we could help each other in reaching out.
> I suggest we organise a skype call between the organiser of the event
> and OSGeo, so we can explain to each other what are our driving forces
> behind our organsation/event.
>  From there we can find out what could be the next steps and if OSGeo can
> help in any way.

I see several ways we can help:

- help coordinate the event with all actors (universities, OSM, OSGeo, ...)
- be present in a university the day at the event to
	- give a presentation on OSM, OSGeo, etc
	- give technical support during the event

So, I think there are different possible roles in different places.

> I think it is important to explain the Geo4all initiative, OSGeo and OSM.
> I can try to be that liaison person between OSGeo Belgium and them if no
> other volunteer stands up.

Ok, I'll wait today to see if anyone else stands up. Otherwise, I'll 
give them your contact details and let them get in touch with you.


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