[Belgium] Mapping facilities for homeless people - Save the date : 27/02/2016

Christophe Cloquet christophe at my-poppy.eu
Thu Mar 3 00:30:59 PST 2016

Hallo Jo,

Dank je vriendelijk voor deze formula, en voor je inzet tijdens het evenement. Je had gevraagd over QC, ik kan ervoor helpen. Laat me gewoon weten wat ik kan doen. Misschien kunnen we op de 16de erover spreken ?



Le 27/02/2016 23:50, Jo a écrit :
> Salut à tout le monde.
> C'est un peu dommage que je n'ai pas pu réaliser cela avant l'événement, mais je viens d'ajouter une formule gigantesque, qui sert à créer un lien, qui ouvre JOSM avec un noeud supplémentaire, que l'on peut ensuite intégrer au données déjà présentes.
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S8-iYBLkmckprwQzetjzFn98I9ai1v2GZAYZLtHTbA4/edit#gid=0
> Il ne faut donc plus chercher l'adresse et tout ça, on tombe tout de suite au bon endroit. Bon, j'ignore comment faire fonctionner cela avec iD.
> J'espère que ça pourra être utile une prochaine fois ou pour ceux qui se sont lancés en l'édition OSM chez eux.
> Voulez-vous que je fasse la même chose avec les autres tableurs? Je suppose que ça peut encore servir pour la validation du travail effectué.
> Pour rendre plus facile j'ai coupé la colonne pour les notes en 2, fr/nl
> Polyglot
> 2016-02-22 9:13 GMT+01:00 KRUWIALIS Gael <gkruwialis at environnement.brussels <mailto:gkruwialis at environnement.brussels>>:
>     Hi Joost,
>     Thank you this publicity on your networks
>     Some information about our source, actually Dewey (a local association in brussels, http://dewey.be/dewey-maps/ ) have collect point information, this would be the major contribution; some of them could be usefull for NGO who work around this target thematic.
>     it is possible that local NGO  could give certain of their resource.
>     The finality is to consolidate all this information’s and to perennialize it in a single source.
>     We are conscious of the constraint quality and will take care of it by supervising the various participants.
>     Julien Fastrée, will be there to draw the attention of the participants, but if other contributors are available they are welcome.
>     Gael, co organizer with Christophe(Poppy <http://www.my-poppy.eu/>), Mathieu (Dewey <http://maps.dewey.be/>), Maë//e(OSGeo.be <http://OSGeo.be/>)and Victor(Dewey <http://maps.dewey.be/>)
>     *De :*Belgium [mailto:belgium-bounces at lists.osgeo.org <mailto:belgium-bounces at lists.osgeo.org>] *De la part de* joost schouppe
>     *Envoyé :* dimanche 21 février 2016 04:20
>     *À :* belgium at lists.osgeo.org <mailto:belgium at lists.osgeo.org>
>     *Cc :* Jo Simoens
>     *Objet :* [Belgium] Mapping facilities for homeless people - Save the date : 27/02/2016
>     Hi,
>     I just added this event to the Belgian Meetup calendar, see http://meetu.ps/e/BjHFr/fnQ6Y/apiand <http://meetu.ps/e/BjHFr/fnQ6Y/apiand>
>     There's over 150 members, so hopefully some of them will come. I also shared the invite on the Belgium OSM talk list (Johan did so too, more recently). I know at least one of our members already signed up.
>     As an OpenStreetMap member, I absolutely applaud this effort. However, I still would like some more detailed info about the source of the data you will add to OSM, which kinds of objects would be added,  etc. Obviously, licensing has to be compatible, or an explicit permission has to be granted by the data providers. The data quality has to be really high. Measures have to be taken to solve conflicts between existing and new data. Tagging schemes may have to be investigated or extended to ensure data usability afterwards. Failure to do any of these things might cause removal of the new data.
>     I'm sure there are people in the team who are well aware of all this.  But it would be nice if you could share the info with the Belgian OSM community. A good place would be in this thread on the Belgian talk list: https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-be/2016-February/008395.html
>     All the best,
>     Joost
>     (I hope this message falls into the correct thread...)



*Christophe Cloquet*
rue Van Bortonne 7 | 1090 Jette
+32 485 087 949

christophe at my-poppy.eu <mailto://christophe@my-poppy.eu>
be.linkedin.com/in/ccloquet <http://be.linkedin.com/in/ccloquet>
Poppy <http://www.my-poppy.eu>

hello at my-poppy.eu <mailto://hello@my-poppy.eu>
www.my-poppy.eu <http://www.my-poppy.eu>

Poppy is a brand of Living Apps sprl | rue Van Bortonne 7 | 1090 Jette | BE 0564.821.397

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