[Belgium] Invitation to the OSGeo.be ASBL Annual General Assembly

Tommy Oozeer tommyoozeer at skynet.be
Wed Mar 16 05:57:46 PDT 2016

*Dear OSGeo.be Member, *

*You are invited to join us for our 2016 Annual General Assembly of members
convened as follows : *

*March 24th 2016 at 19:00*

*L'arrosoir * <http://www.arrosoirauderghem.be/>

*Boulevard du Souverain, 256 1160 Auderghem*

*Please find the proposed agenda below.*

*All voting and non-voting members are welcome.  Please let us know via
mail if you will be attending the meeting. Please note that if you want to
become a voting member, you need to send us your written request stating
the support of at least two effective members.*

*In case you are not able to attend, please remember that every member can
authorize in writing another member to represent him/her at the General

*Tommy Oozeer*

*OSGeo.be ASBL Secretary*

*March 16th, 2016 (*We apologize for the delay in providing this


1.     *Report about the activities of the last year *

1.     *Founding of OSGeo belgium *

2.     *FOSS4G 2015 event *

3.     *Presence at 2 events *

2.     *Financial report 2015 *

3.     *Budget 2016*

*4.*       *Change the date of the general assembly to be together with the
FOSS4G conference (Q3/Q4)*

5.     *Composition of the board *

1.     *New members *

2.     *Resignations *

*6.*       *Composition of the voting members *

1.     *New members *

2.     *Resignations *

*7.*       *Preview of the next year *

1.     *Events *

1.     *Foss4g belgium 2016 september 22 *

2.     *Strategy *

1.     *What is the role of **osgeo.be* <http://osgeo.be/>* in the state of
the map / OSM *

2.     *OSGeo.be presentations during sotm *

3.     *OSM presentation at FOSS4G.be *

*8.*       *Vote for the Belgian OSGeo logo*

*9.*       *Various *

*10.*   *Closing of the general assembly *

*After talks / open discussion / beer*

·         *OSM *

·         *OKFN*
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