[Belgium] OSGeo helps with the organisation of BeGeo 2018

Dirk Frigne dirk.frigne at geosparc.com
Thu Oct 19 06:05:39 PDT 2017

Dear list,

During the track and content meeting for BeGeo 2018, I represented OSGeo
Belgium and offered to help in the organisation.
9 tracks where proposed and discussed.

Last year more tahn 1000 people attended the conference and we expect
even more during the next edition.

Also ownership was handed over to 9 people to organise that track further.

>From OSGeo, based on the discussion we had during a board meeting, I
made the suggestion for following track:

*How open collaboration can help geospatial intelligence to the next level?*

I volunteered to organise that track further. We should be able to fill
in 2 hours of valuable content. The topic of INSPIRE was also allocated
to this track.

Before tomorrow, I have to  acknowledge that we will use this title as
the final title that will be used in the program, which will be
published this weekend.

Please give any relevant feedback if you think you can improve this title.

Some preliminary idea's of the content I want to bring under the
umbrella of this title:

- explain OSGeo and how to contribute
- explain open standards
- explain open data
- explain OSM and how to contribute
- explain OSGeo Live for INSPIRE
- explain INSPIRE (somebody of AIV offered to help here,)
- explain a codesprint and how it can help sustainable development
- integrate and wrap up everything we learned today

volunteers who want to help with the organisation, or with the content
or in any other form, please contact me.
Any ideas about collaboration and openess are welcome. Maybe a
testimonal can also be of interest to present.

I also offered help in the following track, and asked Johan, our
president, to be the contact person there (who accepted):

*Everything you wanted to know about geo & never dared to ask*

The idea is to talk about OSGeo-Live environment, and how to use it as a
marketing instrument for open Geo. We could also talk about Geo4All here.

May the FOSS be with you and see you all next week on the FOSS4G conference!

Yours sincerely,

ir. Dirk Frigne
CEO @geosparc

Geosparc n.v.
Brugsesteenweg 587
B-9030 Ghent
Tel: +32 9 236 60 18
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