[Belgium] Next FOSS4G/SOTM preparing meeting : Thursday 27th at 6PM / Every help will be very appreciated

Marc Ducobu marc.ducobu at posteo.be
Tue Oct 25 00:55:42 PDT 2022

Hello all,

The conference is fast approaching and good news : everything is going 
well ! We get enough talk proposals, some sponsors, ... This is very 
nice \°/.

Organizing such an event takes a lot of energy and time, so the team is 
always happy to have some help.

If you want to join us, it will be very appreciated. The next meeting 
will be on Thursday 27th at 6PM. It is an online meeting and the link to 
join it is meet.google.com/fuc-aqpw-bri

Hope to see you there.

For the organizing team,

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