[Benchmarking] ECW data set, a proposal

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Tue Jul 28 11:26:00 EDT 2009

Andrea Aime wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering what can we use as the ECW data set.
> I have on my disk a BlueMarble NG ECW image which I downloaded
> back at the times when geotorrent.org was still alive and kicking,
> gdalinfo reports:
> gdalinfo world-topo-bathy-200408-3x86400x43200.ecw
> Driver: ECW/ERMapper Compressed Wavelets
> Files: world-topo-bathy-200408-3x86400x43200.ecw
> Size is 86400, 43200


I think this would be a nice sort of medium sized image to work with.
I think we *might* still want a big image.  /me checks ... If I read the
"df" output right there is 380GB available on the disk so I guess I had
better not go too crazy about big images.

> I guess it could be interesting for the ECW benchmarking. As for turning
> it into a mosaic of TIFFs for the mosaic part heh, that will be a little
> painful, especially since the tiles need to be less than 2GB (last
> time I tried I think I had to limit myself to North America to be able
> and extract a file of less than 2GB, uncompressed).

There should be no problem translating the image to bigtiff.

> If people think it's good I can upload it to the server.

Please do.  I can work on converting it to some other formats
once it is there.

> Oh, btw, what's the MapServer status vs jpeg compression? Shall we
> use JPEG compressed or just go for the uncompressed TIFFs?

I am hoping to deploy this image in a few raster formats to
investigate the performance effects in MapServer.  One of those
will likely be tiled, jpeg compressed TIFF which is popular
with at least one prominent MapServer user.

I have even vaguely contemplated trying to deploy an image using
the new postgres WKTRaster extension.  I have a GSoC student working
on this in GDAL and I have yet to even try his code!   But that might
be a bit much to bite off for now.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
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