[Benchmarking] Preparing the raster data in TIFF format

Smith, Michael D ERDC-CRREL-NH michael.smith at usace.army.mil
Mon Aug 2 11:38:34 EDT 2010

I will be working on this today.


On 8/2/10  11:07 AM, "Frank Warmerdam" <warmerdam at pobox.com> wrote:

> Andrea Aime wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm having a quick look around the server and
>> found the directory containing the data.
>> Looking in particular at the raster one I've noticed
>> there is a shell script to convert the ecw into tiffs,
>> but it seems incomplete:
>> #!/bin/sh
>> for ecw_file in *.ecw ; do
>>   tif_file=`basename $ecw_file .ecw`.tif
>>   gdal_translate $ecw_file $tif_file -co TILED=YES
>> done
>> I guess it should be something like:
>> #!/bin/sh
>> for ecw_file in *.ecw ; do
>>   tif_file=`basename $ecw_file .ecw`.tif
>>   gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:25831 $ecw_file $tif_file -co TILED=YES
>>   gdaladdo -r gauss 2 4 8 16 32 64 128
>> done
>> Should I update it and make it run?
> Andrea,
> We can't run it yet because Mike needs to do something about the disk.
> Somehow it is only formatted for 150GB so it does not have space for
> the uncompressed imagery.  I think he plans to address this soon.
> Best regards,

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