[Benchmarking] split contour files are different

Jason Birch jason at jasonbirch.com
Mon Jul 26 21:16:24 EDT 2010

In the real world, decent integrators would ETL the data into the
optimal format for the rendering server, generalize the data for
display at different levels, etc, to achieve the highest-possible

This test isn't about real world, it's about taking a set of arbitrary
data and benchmarking against it. Some servers will be hindered,
others will benefit. The only real conclusion that can be drawn from
non-best-effort tests is that the server was good or poor at serving
some particular data configuration.
Nothing wrong with this as long as the parameters are understood, but
it's not a great metric for potential implementors to be using when
deciding what system to use.


On 2010-07-26, Iván Sánchez Ortega <ivan at sanchezortega.es> wrote:
> On Tuesday 27 July 2010 00:58:11 Jeff McKenna wrote:
>> there are many ways to work around this, but, that would not be a real
>> world case.  For no reason ever would i use 8 different layers for one
>> contour file, this is not optimal performance.
> The real world case is 4000 shapefiles for the contour lines. Each from a
> different year, different source, and different fields set to null.
> I would have happily merged all the contours in one big file but, as you may
> know, shapefiles only grow up to 2 GB in size. So, 8 files. Differences in
> fields due to the year a particular sheet was made.
> So, yeah, this is quite far from optimal performance. I know.
> --
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