[Benchmarking] Meeting Notes - FOSS4G 2011 team meetup

Dane Springmeyer dane at dbsgeo.com
Thu Sep 15 00:40:44 EDT 2011

All teams met tonight to plan to presentation (QGIS team was absent).

We decided upon the content, sequencing, and timing of the presentation.

Notably Mike has hooked up the presentation (google doc) to the results google doc, so anyone that does runs between now and the presentation - their results should show up automatically.

The presentation is friday at 2:50 pm to 3:20 pm (http://2011.foss4g.org/sessions/web-mapping-performance-shootout).

We only have 30 minutes, and thus this will have to be like a lightening talk for everyone.

The plan is:

1) Intro (history,goals,hardware,etc) - 2 minutes (Jeff)

2) Data details (osm,imposm,rasters) - 1 minute (Oliver)

3) Results (charts of best run of each team for all 4 tests) - 4 minutes (Dane)

4) Team presentations - 2 minutes MAX each team - total 12 minutes
     - 2 slides max of results interpretation or details or successes or challenges (you decide what to present)
     - Alphabetical order: 
           Cadcorp (dane will present since he is already on stage)

5) Open - 11 minutes remaining for questions about results, discussion about what to improve, what benchmarks audience wants to see in future

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