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<TITLE>Re: Fwd: [Benchmarking] ESRI Participation</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=2>I think we should do all we can to support ESRI participation. Mike and I can support reconfiguring the host environment if the ms and gs teams can handle re-install of their software<BR>
Sent via BB<BR>
----- Original Message -----<BR>
From: benchmarking-bounces@lists.osgeo.org <benchmarking-bounces@lists.osgeo.org><BR>
To: benchmarking@lists.osgeo.org <benchmarking@lists.osgeo.org><BR>
Cc: ichivite@esri.com <ichivite@esri.com>; ebader@esri.com <ebader@esri.com>; ssankaran@esri.com <ssankaran@esri.com><BR>
Sent: Fri Aug 21 16:50:16 2009<BR>
Subject: Fwd: [Benchmarking] ESRI Participation<BR>
Since GeoWeb, I have been talking with ESRI about joining the<BR>
benchmarking round this year, but we are having some issue wrt<BR>
platform, which are detailed below. Open question is basically, "can<BR>
we change OS at this point" from a convenience PoV. We need a decision<BR>
from our group on that ASAP to help ESRI get to their own decision<BR>
about participation.<BR>
Can someone volunteer to be the main point-of-contact with ESRI for<BR>
the next two weeks? I am going to the beach on Sunday and will be out<BR>
of contact until Labour Day.<BR>
---------- Forwarded message ----------<BR>
From: Ismael Chivite <ichivite@esri.com><BR>
Date: Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 11:47 AM<BR>
Subject: RE: [Benchmarking] ESRI Participation<BR>
To: "pramsey@cleverelephant.ca" <pramsey@cleverelephant.ca>, Satish<BR>
Sankaran <ssankaran@esri.com><BR>
Cc: Eric Bader <ebader@esri.com><BR>
My name is Ismael Chivite, I work with Satish in the ArcGIS Server<BR>
Product Management team. I just wanted to share some thoughts<BR>
regarding ESRI's participation in the map service benchmark report for<BR>
the upcoming FOSS4G conference.<BR>
We are certainly very interested in participating in this exercise.<BR>
It is a good opportunity to see where these technologies stand from a<BR>
performance point of view, which ultimately is going to help all of us<BR>
improve our products to serve our users better.<BR>
Satish facilitated to me a description of the tests that have been<BR>
proposed and the 'rules of engagement'. One of the topics that may put<BR>
us out of the game is the fact that you want to use a particular<BR>
version of Linux which we do not support. While I agree that CentOS<BR>
is virtually no different than RHL, the fact is that we (ESRI) do not<BR>
certify ArcGIS Server on CentOS. My concern running on CentOS is not<BR>
coming from the technical side, but from the support side. I<BR>
understand that people (users) are going to look at the results of<BR>
this benchmark. I do not want to send a message out there in which we<BR>
promote the use of an operating system that we do not certify. I<BR>
assure you that if we do that we will get right away tech support<BR>
calls from users, which is the last thing I want as an outcome of our<BR>
participation in this exercise.<BR>
So in essence, and as much as we want to participate on this, we<BR>
(ESRI) will need to step aside unless we run on RHL or other<BR>
environment that we currently support. Since technically the operating<BR>
systems (RHL and CentOS) are almost identical, I wonder if you would<BR>
be willing to either run all tests on this OS, or at least allow ESRI<BR>
to run on it. I believe that the second scenario could be perfectly<BR>
valid as long as people are made aware of the differences between<BR>
CentOS and RHL. I would like to ask you to consider these options.<BR>
Finally, I also wanted you to know that I would be more than happy to<BR>
provide the hardware environment for this benchmark as well. We do<BR>
have some 8 core Dell 1950s available that we could use for this<BR>
purpose. If we need to, we could allow the different participants to<BR>
log into our servers and own them for the duration of the benchmark.<BR>
Thanks for your time,<BR>
Ismael Chivite<BR>
ArcGIS Server Product Manager<BR>
<A HREF="http://www.esri.com">http://www.esri.com</A><BR>
-----Original Message-----<BR>
From: Paul Ramsey [<A HREF="mailto:pramsey@cleverelephant.ca">mailto:pramsey@cleverelephant.ca</A>]<BR>
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 11:57 AM<BR>
To: Satish Sankaran<BR>
Subject: Re: [Benchmarking] ESRI Participation<BR>
Actually, getting a little pushback now (since doing RHEL means<BR>
starting all the other prep work again from scratch). Your folks are<BR>
certain Centos5 is not possible? (I mean, it's not like we are going<BR>
to be putting in support calls over this, there's "unsupported" and<BR>
then there's "doesn't work".)<BR>
On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 1:20 PM, Satish Sankaran<ssankaran@esri.com> wrote:<BR>
> Bear with me as I try to work this one internally here. Here's a reply<BR>
> from our linux guy on what we (ArcGIS Server) would need. Will you guys be<BR>
> OK with this?<BR>
> Red Hat 5 updates are supported. ArcGIS Server can be installed on the<BR>
> latest update (5.3).<BR>
> The System Requirements page<BR>
> (<A HREF="http://wikis.esri.com/wiki/display/ag93bsr/ArcGIS+Server+Operating+System+Requirements+and+Limitations#ArcGISServerOperatingSystemRequirementsandLimitations-Linux">http://wikis.esri.com/wiki/display/ag93bsr/ArcGIS+Server+Operating+System+Requirements+and+Limitations#ArcGISServerOperatingSystemRequirementsandLimitations-Linux</A><BR>
> ) also lists out specific (32-bit) packages that need to be installed on the<BR>
> RHEL 5 machine prior to installing ArcGIS Server<BR>
Benchmarking mailing list<BR>
<A HREF="http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/benchmarking">http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/benchmarking</A><BR>