[Board] Coordinating with OGC

Jeroen Ticheler Jeroen.Ticheler at geocat.net
Wed Feb 3 12:37:03 PST 2010

Hi Jo,
Indeed we work on OGC & INSPIRE standards support & testing in GeoNetwork. Currently GeoCat is supporting both the Dutch, Swiss as well as the Nordic Initiative you mentioned below. Much effort is put in ensuring INSPIRE compliance. I should look into the opportunities offered by OGC more to support these developments from their side (confess I have neglected that for quite a while). And for sure we will work on writing up how GeoNetwork is used in Europe.
Not sure this makes any sense, but at least you are updated a little bit on the GeoNetwork front.

On Feb 3, 2010, at 3:22 PM, Jo Walsh wrote:

> There's also INSPIRE. I've heard that several Scandinavian countries are collaborating on patches to GeoNetwork to create an INSPIRE-compliant "member state geoportal". IMO the INSPIRE process is down a bit of a rabbit-hole at the moment, but the next couple of years are a critical time - obligations on public authorities from the end of this year for metadata, catalog and WMS services - and a collective need to do it sustainably and on the cheap.
> It would be interesting/valuable to have both historic and current info about where OSGeo software has been used in OGC testbeds - and help to figure out where and why it's not being used.

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