[Board] Charter members and directors elections

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Tue Jul 26 20:03:55 PDT 2011

On 11-07-26 11:34 AM, Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> Hi Daniel, did you have any further thoughts on next steps?  I know you got a variety of responses and wondered if your head exploded ;).

I've been kind of turned down by the diverging opinions on the number of 
charter members to add and was hoping to see more board members express 
their opinion to make the balance clearly go one way or the other. Since 
we are unlikely to be able to reach consensus I'm thinking that maybe we 
should aim right in the middle with 20 new members this year.

But anyway, at this point we're too tight to hold both charter member 
and directors elections before FOSS4G since both require a minimum of 3 
weeks, and we don't have 6 weeks before people start travelling for 
FOSS4G. So it seems that we'll have to do as last year and push the new 
charter member election to the fall.

I will update the schedule in the wiki and make a formal proposal to 
this list to start the board election. Reviewing the thread from last 
year around the same dates, it didn't seem that a formal motion was 
required to kick start the board election, so just a +1 from a majority 
of board members on my proposal (to follow in a few minutes) should do.

Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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