[Board] Next meeting: 15th August, 3 UTC

Darrell Fuhriman darrell at garnix.org
Wed Aug 14 08:46:11 PDT 2013

On Aug 14, 2013, at 08:38, Daniel Morissette <dmorissette at mapgears.com> wrote:

> I have created the agenda at http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2013-08-15
> Please all board members note that we need to discuss and make a decision on the way forward with respect to our non-profit application and give a response to the IRS on our plan by August 31. So please take time to review the relevant threads on the board list before the meeting.

Hi, Board.

I sent the following to the conference list, but think it may be appropriate for the board to discuss and has direct bearing on the non-profit status (plus a couple of other questions). 

Unfortunately, I can't attend the board meeting tonight, but I'm sure I can round up a Portland LOC representative if we need one.


Since we need to be signing contracts and will also need to be spending money soon to get the conference going, we need to answer a few big questions:

1) With the current mess with the IRS as described on the Board list, should we be planning to use another entity to handle fiscal sponsorship, as described by Steve Swazee. (

If we use a fiscal sponsor, then 

2) how quickly can we get seed funds transferred to said entity, and how much money can we transfer?

If we keep the conference under the OSGeo organizational umbrella, then:

3) Who can sign contracts?
3a) Is it possible and desirable to delegate that authority to the LOC.
4) How do we spend money?

Not to put too much pressure, but we need to answer these questions ASAP, as the time to sign hotel and convention center contracts is rapidly approaching.

We're already initiating talks with organizations about doing fiscal sponsorship, but it would be nice to know how aggressively we should be pursuing that option.



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