[Board] Welcome to the new Board members

Jachym Cepicky jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
Thu Oct 1 20:34:55 PDT 2015


pá 2. 10. 2015 v 2:13 odesílatel Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com>

> Jachym is there any details needed on your/Secretary side, for the new
> Board members?  I'd like to make sure that you maintain a private list
> of Board member phone numbers and home addresses (isn't this required
> for our "Director's Insurance"?).  Anyway it would be good to have that
> contact info recorded.

hmm, not sure, where it is for the past years .. but let's start again

> New members: in our OSGeo budget we pay yearly for insurance for
> "Directors and Officers Liability".  I believe the cost is roughly
> 1500USD.  I have a copy of the 2014 coverage document if someone wants
> to review any of the details. (I believe we are covered until March
> 2016)  I am sure the OSGeo Secretary/Jachym has the latest coverage
> document as well.

well, more by chance, then by official policy, but yes, I have them
available in Dropbox-finance

will send to board-priv round mail for the details

> -jeff
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