[Board] Motion: use GSoC student mobility grant at FOSDEM geospatial devroom

Margherita Di Leo diregola at gmail.com
Wed Nov 8 05:38:59 PST 2017

Dear OSGeo Board,

I would like to propose a motion to be discussed at your earliest
convenience. I'm not sure how to do that, I assume I can write it in this
mailing list?
This is my proposal.
In the payment issued by Google for GSoC 2017, they accounted 500 USD as a
grant for GSoC students mobility. This money should be used as a travel
grant for GSoC students that would like to present their work to
I would like to propose that OSGeo use this money for the geospatioal
devroom at FOSDEM 2018 [1,2,3]. Why FOSDEM? Because for several years I
tried to invite GSoC students to present, they replied that they could
consider it only if there was a sort of economical aid. FOSDEM is a free
event and the amount of $500 should decently cover accommodation and travel
at least within Europe, but would make it also possible to join from
outside Europe with a small addition from their own pocket.
Please let me know should you need any additional information /
Thank you in advance

Kind regards,

[1] https://fosdem.org/2018/
[2] https://lists.fosdem.org/pipermail/fosdem/2017-October/002633.html
[3] Last year's geospatial devroom:

Margherita Di Leo
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