[Board] november 21 meeting prep / my Open words to topic "Discussion about Officer positions (President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary)"

Till Adams till.adams at fossgis.de
Tue Nov 21 06:10:57 PST 2017

Dear board,

based on past (perhaps unintentially open) emails and on short
discussions on your todays meeting topic "Discussion about Officer
positions (President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary)", I'd like to publish
my thoughts on this topic.

While I acknowledge that it is constitutionally allowable to appoint
someone external to the board as OSGeo President, it would break with
OSGeo tradition. I'd suggest that it would also be contrary to the
wishes of the majority of OSGeo charter members (based on the last board
election). I think, especially in times, where lots of discussions came
up, there is a need for a strong President of OSgeo, and strong is to
me, that the president needs strong support of the majority of the comunity.

There are excellent candidates for the OSGeo president position within
the currently elected board. It is my hope that the OSGeo President is
selected from one of the currently serving board members.

!!! This by no means reflects upon the people involved (especially
Venka), whom I hold in high regard, but rather is focused on the
integrity of our processes.

Cheers, Till

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