<TITLE>Re: [OSGeo-Board] outline document from the F2F?</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=2>Right. I don't think the post-budget minutes have been posted.<BR>
Frank and Tyler - could you add the stuff you were driving?<BR>
--- Original Message ---<BR>
From: "Markus Neteler" <neteler.osgeo@gmail.com><BR>
Sent: Tue 6/20/06 6:54 am<BR>
To: "Gary Lang" <gary.lang@autodesk.com><BR>
Cc: "board@board.osgeo.org" <board@board.osgeo.org><BR>
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Board] outline document from the F2F?<BR>
The budget part I have seen. Personally, I am also curious about:<BR>
(from agenda)<BR>
* We should soon figure out what the title and requirements of<BR>
membership are. At Where 2.0 many people will want to know how to<BR>
become a member (also at FOSS4G2006 Lausanne)<BR>
* Clarify re-elections of directors (2006 or 2007?)<BR>
* General strategy discussions.<BR>
* Discuss the stated priorities and how we meet them.<BR>
* Decide migration of GRASS Newsletter Vol 4 to OSGeo Newsletter Vol 1<BR>
Maybe that's somewhere on the Wiki already?<BR>
I have linked the f2f action items to the minutes section.<BR>
On 6/20/06, Gary Lang <gary.lang@autodesk.com> wrote:<BR>
> Most of them, at least the budget part - are on the Wiki and have been since<BR>
> Sunday. They are in the minutes section of the meeting page, at least when I<BR>
> posted them there they were. Did it not get published?<BR>
> Gary<BR>
> -----Original Message-----<BR>
> From: Markus Neteler [<A HREF="mailto:neteler.osgeo@gmail.com">mailto:neteler.osgeo@gmail.com</A>]<BR>
> Sent: Tue 6/20/2006 12:49 AM<BR>
> To: OSGeo-Board<BR>
> Cc:<BR>
> Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Board] outline document from the F2F?<BR>
> Dear all,<BR>
> in fact, the notes are highly awaited... I hope you'll post them<BR>
> soon! Thanks<BR>
> Markus<BR>
> On 6/20/06, Jo Walsh <jo@frot.org> wrote:<BR>
> > dear all,<BR>
> ><BR>
> > I'm hoping that Gary and/or Laura has a copy of the outline document<BR>
> > that described what we talked about at the F2F session before Where2.0.<BR>
> ><BR>
> > Would it be possible to post it here, mostly for Markus' and Venka's<BR>
> > benefit, also so we can have an "OMG what were we thinking" moment and<BR>
> > think over what needs to be bumped up the agenda for board meetings?<BR>
> ><BR>
> > Does FunCom have enough remit now to have an appropriate amount of fun,<BR>
> > or is the onus still on the board to confirm more direction?<BR>
> ><BR>
> > cheers,<BR>
> ><BR>
> ><BR>
> > jo<BR>
> ><BR>
> ><BR>
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