<TITLE>Re: [OSGeo-Board] FW: shirt logos</TITLE>
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--- Original Message ---<BR>
From: "rich@richsteele.org" <rich@richsteele.org><BR>
Sent: Mon 7/10/06 3:49 pm<BR>
To: "Gary Lang" <gary.lang@autodesk.com><BR>
Cc: "mpg@lizardtech.com" <mpg@lizardtech.com>, "board@board.osgeo.org" <board@board.osgeo.org>, "Jennifer Daehler" <Jennifer.Daehler@autodesk.com><BR>
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Board] FW: shirt logos<BR>
Quoting Gary Lang <gary.lang@autodesk.com>:<BR>
> Rich,<BR>
> Didn't we determine that a TM would be difficult to get/enforce for this?<BR>
No, I believe the issue was more around expense -- i.e., it wasn't <BR>
worth it to try and obtain a tm registration for the logo <BR>
specifically. Rather, we would focus energy around protecting the <BR>
OSGeo name. I discussed this with Jennifer at Autodesk awhile back <BR>
and I'm not sure where the OSGeo registration stands.<BR>
This does not mean, however, that we cannot claim a trademark in the <BR>
logo, only that we wouldn't seek federal registration for the mark. <BR>
So we can (and should) still use a "TM" superscript on the logo, but <BR>
not the "(R)" superscript (as this denotes a registered mark)<BR>
> --- Original Message ---<BR>
> From: "Michael P. Gerlek" <mpg@lizardtech.com><BR>
> Sent: Mon 7/10/06 8:58 am<BR>
> To: "board@board.osgeo.org" <board@board.osgeo.org><BR>
> Cc:<BR>
> Subject: [OSGeo-Board] FW: shirt logos<BR>
> Just fyi...<BR>
> Do we have a (TM) or (R) or whatever on the logo?<BR>
> -mpg<BR>
> -----Original Message-----<BR>
> From: Michael P. Gerlek<BR>
> Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 8:58 AM<BR>
> To: 'pmarc'<BR>
> Subject: RE: shirt logos<BR>
> Paulo-<BR>
> Yes, that is the correct logo. However, in general the use of it --<BR>
> especially in a for-profit context -- would require specific approval<BR>
> from the board. (There are logo usage guidelines posted on the main<BR>
> site, I think.)<BR>
> -mpg<BR>
>> -----Original Message-----<BR>
>> From: pmarc [<A HREF="mailto:paulomarcondes@gmail.com">mailto:paulomarcondes@gmail.com</A>]<BR>
>> Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 5:50 AM<BR>
>> To: Michael P. Gerlek<BR>
>> Subject: shirt logos<BR>
>> Michael,<BR>
>> Is the file<BR>
>> <A HREF="https://visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org/files/documents/18/151/s">https://visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org/files/documents/18/151/s</A><BR>
>> hirt_logo_2.eps<BR>
>> the actual file used to produce our shirts?<BR>
>> Can I use it to produce some shirts ? and sell with profit ?<BR>
>> --<BR>
>> Paulo Marcondes = PU1/PU2PIX<BR>
>> -22.915 -42.229 = GG87vc (<A HREF="http://www.amsat.org/cgi-bin/gridconv">http://www.amsat.org/cgi-bin/gridconv</A>)<BR>
>> Debian GNU/Linux = <A HREF="http://rj.debianbrasil.org">http://rj.debianbrasil.org</A> = <A HREF="http://www.debian.org">http://www.debian.org</A><BR>
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