Hi all<br><br>I agree with Tim that annoucing Beijing as regional would just make foss4g marketing down...<br><br>From what i could hear, LOC is expecting 300 attendees. Of course mainly from China and South-East Asia. <br>
But if more northern americans and europeans (and all nationalities and tribes !) actually think to make it, may be Beijing could reach our usual 7 or 8 hundreds. no ?<br>I agree the so-so communication and late calls for everything may be refrain most of us going. <br>
But, still it will be a great fand different foss4g to be i believe, and why not finally try to make it the global foss4g, as usual ?<br> <br>LOC, Any hints, stats or thoughts about this may be ?<br><br>Best,<br><br>Nick<br>