[California] CGS Booth April 28?

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Wed Apr 18 13:34:27 EDT 2012


If we want to do a booth at the California Geographical Society meeting
later this month I need to hear from some people (Actually the deadline
might have passed and I may need to work magic).

We need at least 2 volunteers (in addition to me) to help staff the
booth. Said volunteers would get to take turns going to talks of interest.

If you were planning to come to the conference and hadn't registered
yet, your registration funds (would have been ~$65) can be put towards
the booth(~$100) which would get you registration and a lunch. So we
could easily cover the booth cost instead of people directly registering.

I have all the materials here in Davis already, and just bought some
copies of OSGeo-Live to give out (~25).

Email me asap if you want to do this.


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