[California] Re: Masters in GIS for Sustainability Management - July 15 deadline

Timothy Nyerges nyerges at u.washington.edu
Wed May 23 00:59:34 EDT 2012

Dear GIS Developers,

If you know anyone who might benefit from a Masters in GIS for Sustainability 
Management, please bring the following message to their attention...

The July 15, 2012 deadline for application to the University of Washington's 
online Professional Master's Program in GIS with a concentration in 
sustainability management is approaching.  We are forming the third cohort 
for the nine-course masters in GIS program. Information about curriculum, 
admissions, hybrid online and onsite courses, and why this program might/how 
enable your interest in GIS for sustainability management can be found at the 
following link. http://www.outreach.washington.edu/pmpgis/

If you would like to speak with a graduate program advisor or director you 
can contact...

Dr. Robert Aguirre, Graduate Program Advisor, aguirrer at uw.edu

Dr. Tim Nyerges, Director, nyerges at uw.edu

Prof. Tim Nyerges, Geography, University of Washington
Director, Professional Masters Program in GIS for Sustainability Management
Box 353550, Smith Hall 408, Seattle, WA, 98195, USA
voice: 206-543-5296, fax: 206-543-3313, email: nyerges at u.washington.edu

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