[California] Preparing for 2015 Annual Meeting

Brian M Hamlin maplabs at light42.com
Wed Oct 15 12:43:38 PDT 2014

Once years ago, I did a study of the Commonwealth Club, for our 
nonprofit at the time.. There are a few things to say right off.. 

* people will meet if the content is compelling
* people will meet if there seems to be benefit in the social network
* people have to know about the event in some way.. 

however, in the case of the Commonwealth Club, a decades old, very 
large .org.. one thing I found in common with the nearly many dozen 
events-per-month was.. food.. Almost every event, be it a promotional 
speaker or author, to book clubs, to panel discussions, and more.. 
every event had some kind of predictable food/drink approach.. and some 
kind of fee too actually.. 

I believe that the NorthWest'ers basically go straight to a bar for 
their geo meetings.. I dont think they try to make a formal meeting 
much, though I dont know..  I might be biased a bit, since I dont go 
to bars.. but on casual inspection it appears that way.. 

Here in the SF Bay Area, it is clearly the "seedling in the forest of 
giants" .. the biggest tech in the world is here, and the tens of 
thousands of people in those companies have their own timeline and 
pressures... it is not obvious how to make a local chapter meeting 
compelling in the midst of all of this very large scale activity

best from Berkeley

On Wed, 15 Oct 2014 10:53:25 -0700, Landon Blake  wrote:

       I feel like a really choked the chicken on the 2014 Annual 
Meeting for our chapter. I didn't do a good job promoting and the 
meeting was poorly attended. 

I'd like to know if there are a couple of chapter members that would be 
interested in forming an ad-hoc group to start preparing for the 2015 
Annual Meeting right now. If there is support, I'd like to plan and 
think about marketing a full day event next year. 

I think our Annual Chapter Meeting is a great time to reach out to GIS 
professionals and programmers that aren't typically associated with our 
organization. I may be able to help sponsor some of the cost of a more 
formal annual meeting. 

Any volunteers? Any comments?



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Brian M Hamlin
OSGeo California Chapter

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