[Conference-resources] engelsystem for FOSS4G - is it a good idea?

Katja Haferkorn katja.haferkorn at fossgis.de
Thu Mar 30 11:07:02 PDT 2023

Hey Astrid, Hi all,

good idea with the angelsystem. It's a lot of work, there's a lot to 

How has it been done at previous FOSS4G conferences?

Best regards

Katja Haferkorn
Koordinierungsstelle FOSSGIS e.V.

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Am 30.03.23 um 19:18 schrieb Astrid Emde (OSGeo):
> Hello all,
> at FOSSGIS we used the engelsystem.
> Valmir and Gresa visited FOSSGIS and had a look.
> Maybe we could install it in our OSGeo infrastucture and make it available
> https://engelsystem.de/en
> But first I wanted to ask mybe @Luca whether it makes sense from your 
> point of view or whether you think a sharable excel sheet is fine too?
> You need a person taking care on the engelsystem during the conference 
> and check the shifts.
> What do you think?
> Astrid

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