[Conference-resources] FOSS4G 2024 update - pretalx event created & more

Tõnis Kärdi tonis.kardi at gmail.com
Sun Oct 1 23:31:09 PDT 2023

Very nice work Volker!

How is the process of getting the updates to osgeo pretalx instance?

All the best,


On 01.10.23 15:20, Volker Mische via Conference-resources wrote:
> Merged and released, ready to use :)
> I've also a PR open to filter by session type (FOSSGIS wanted that):
> https://github.com/pretalx/pretalx-public-voting/pull/33
> Cheers,
>   Volker
> On 2023-09-29 22:04, Volker Mische wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> pull request is up:
>> https://github.com/pretalx/pretalx-public-voting/pull/32
>> Cheers,
>>    Volker
>> On 2023-09-28 02:15, Volker Mische wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I've missed that email, but Katja mentioned it to me today.
>>> I think I've an implementation of this ready. I currently cannot 
>>> test it due to https://github.com/pretalx/pretalx/issues/1591. But 
>>> once that's fixed it shouldn't take to much more time to get it 
>>> working. So expect something soon.
>>> Cheers,
>>>    Volker
>>> On 2023-09-11 15:35, Tõnis Kärdi wrote:
>>>> Hey Katja,
>>>> I think we're good with teams, the only question was about 
>>>> community voting. If that cannot be restricted to certain tracks 
>>>> only then i guess we'll have to opt for separate events for general 
>>>> program (+ workshops) and academic program.
>>>> all the best,
>>>> t;
>>>> On 31.08.23 12:53, Katja Haferkorn wrote:
>>>>> Hey Tõnis,
>>>>> we had looked at Pretalx together. You can create teams under 
>>>>> "Settings" --> "Teams" --> create teams.
>>>>> Maybe it makes sense to use the "Restrict to specific tracks" 
>>>>> function (at the bottom)? (I have the german version ;-)
>>>>> Under menu item "Review" --> "Assign reviewers" you can create the 
>>>>> teams and assign permissions.
>>>>> I think community voting is independent of these teams. The CV can 
>>>>> not separate by track category.
>>>>> If you want to do a video session about it, we can do that.
>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>> Katja
skype: tonis.kardi

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