[Workshops] defining a local dataset

Raf Roset rafroset at gmail.com
Sun May 9 11:58:12 EDT 2010

Hi all,

My name is Rafael Roset, from Barcelona, working in the mapping business for
a few years now and somehow involved in volunteering for the foss4g 2010
conference with a single idea in mind: setting up a local datatset to be
used during the conference (yes, I know I'm a bit late but I think it can be

Prior to gathering the data I'd like to know, from the organizers but also
from anyone needing samples, what kind of data will be needed in terms of
extension (spatial coverage of the dataset), scale (tied to the extension,
the bigger the extension the smaller the scale), layers (topo, ortho, dtm,
toponymy, etc), format (shape for vector and geotiff for raster would be
suitable ?), metadata and any other details that could help me define the
Once every aspect of the dataset defined, I'll contact the mapping agencies
in Catalunya (in fact I work for one of them) and try to assemble everything
so that it could be freely used by the community.

Any and all suggestions are welcome,

PS: sorry for crossposting, don't really know where this belongs to.

Rafael Roset
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