[OSGeo-Conf] Logo for FOSS4G 2008

Jason Birch Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca
Wed Oct 3 18:43:45 EDT 2007

Full disclosure:  I feel that we would be better served by using OSGeo
as part of the conference's name, primarily because of the branding
feedback cycle this would generate.  Also, because I had a _really_ hard
time publicising foss4g.  Anything with a number-substitution in the
title is extremely hard to communicate verbally, especially for things
like URLs.  "fossforg" anyone?

In light of my opinion, this will probably come across as sour grapes,
but I am not entirely happy about the way that the original decision was
made.  It seems that it was _not_ by committee, but by anyone who
happened to be listening on the committee mailing list at the time and
wanted to vote (the number of votes did not tally with the number of
committee members)


Apart from this (possibly irrelavent) discrepancy, I feel that the
conference branding decision should at a minimum have involved the
visibility committee, and (not sure if this was done last time)
ratification by the board.  Reading the motion to form the committee,
I'm not convinced that the naming decision was explicitly within its
though it could be argued that it was an implicit responsibility.

In my opinion, this decision should involve the entire charter
membership, like the initial branding of OSGeo, or possibly even the
entire self-identifying membership.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff McKenna
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Conf] Logo for FOSS4G 2008

> Then perhaps the naming debate could continue after that :)

I'm not so sure of that. I think we handled the naming issue decision


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