[OSGeo-Conf] 2010 Bid Questions

Lorenzo Becchi lorenzo at ominiverdi.com
Thu Dec 11 06:35:55 EST 2008

Thanks Jason, precious comments.
We are preparing some documents to justify our choices.


Jason Birch wrote:
> Hi Lorenzo,
> This is more of a meta-comment about committee size than related to your
> specific bid.
> Effectiveness vs. size depends on how you structure the committee and
> how much advance planning you do.  For a recent IT conference I helped
> run (~400 delegates), there was an executive with powers to make instant
> decisions where required, a "committee of the whole" that met once a
> month to communicate status updates and to make joint decisions, and
> also sub-committees comprised of members of the "committee of the whole"
> that split out for various parts of the conference:  sponsorship,
> program, facilities (venues, equipment, food), companions program
> (external events for spouses/partners/etc during the event), showcase
> (special presentations section), etc, etc.
> This process was active for an entire year leading up to the conference
> at a brand-new facility, and was quite successful.  We found that by
> engaging in active planning so far out there were few decisions that
> required immediate response, and that many hands made light work.  Of
> course, if you are working with a conference organiser, some of the
> detail work can be offloaded, but not many organisers are tech-savvy,
> and running a successful event is all in the management of the details.
> Jason 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lorenzo Becchi
> Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Conf] 2010 Bid Questions
> Hi all,
> thanks for your time, suggestions and questions.
> I have a couple of doubt on the "Local capabilities" section that would 
> like to share with you to better answer your questions.
> 1) Propose more local committee members in order to improve
> representation.
> I've been chatting with a couple of friends that organize events (since 
> long) and they stated that putting more than 3-4 persons in a LOC makes 
> no sense. The LOC should have representatives for most of the community 
> that should be interested in the event. This persons should have an 
> active role, managing their part of the community, and not just have 
> their name on the list.
> If we need to add people to the LOC we have a large list of possible 
> candidates bud would make poor sense to us. Taking decision quickly en 
> efficiently in more than 5 could result in a mess (everybody knows
> this).
> I would prefer to justify the choice of the members of the LOC targeting
> most of the tribes:
> - me -> OSGeo locally and internationally
> - Jordi -> the local institutions and companies (even internationally)
> - Irene and Lluis -> GIS meetings in general and in FOSS
> - Carol -> Universities in Barcelona and humanitarian institutions
> if needed we will provide a wider explanation about how me, my buddies 
> and the Spanish Chapter are deeply related with most of the actors 
> interested in FOSS4G.
> 2) Specify which local committee members exist on site (in Barcelona)
> All of them.
> I was really surprised to see that other proposal will suggest people 
> not living in the event town.
> - me, Jordi and Carol are all living in Barcelona
> - Irene and Lluis, grown in Barcelona, are living in Girona that is 1 
> hour by train from Barcelona and in the same region. They are strictly 
> related with institutions and companies in Barcelona.
> looking forward to give you detailed answers to all your questions
> best regards
> Lorenzo Becchi

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